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brian | 10 months ago
Routine Spay On A Pair Of 7 Month Old Domestic Shorthaired Cats
Treatment Cost (USD): $557.00
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brian | 1 year ago
Dental With Extractions On 8yr Old Orange Tabby
Treatment Cost (USD): $800.00
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Alternative Treatment
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Shiria | 1 year ago
Treating FIP In Cats
Treatment Cost (USD): $1600.00
2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    thank you SOOO VERY MUCH for helping these cats and sharing their story.
    can you tell me where you are located and who helped you with their treatments?
    Thanks again!

    1. Shiria Post author

      Thanks so much for your reply. I’m located in Germany at the north coast. There is a group called “Gemeinsam gegen FIP” (translates at “together against FIP”). They have experienced people that help with treatment. So far they helped me with every cat, too.
      They have a homepage, too:
      It is a bit chaotic and I don’t think it is avaiable in english, but they have english speaking people. I know they have helped severel cats outside Germany, too.


Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Tux An Older Indoor Domestic Cat Who Needed A Few Teeth Extracted. The Importance Of Dental Care And Cost To Treat.
Treatment Cost (USD): $808.00
Tux came to see me at his normal annual physical examination. On inspection of his mouth I noticed a significant amount of dental calculi over the teeth and red gums. He had no outward signs of dental disease, no trouble eating and was not displaying any signs of pain, trouble eating, or weight loss.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Cat Spay. Routine OHE. Meet Dash, About The Sweetest, Cutest Kitten Ever!
Treatment Cost (USD): $221.51
Dash was adopted a little later than most kittens are. She was vaccinated previously at anpther local small animal clinic. When her new family adopted her they brought her to us for an exam and pre-op bloodwork. Cost of the exam $45 Blood work (6 panel chemistry and CBC) $60
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Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter Surgery For Persian Cat, Cyrus
Treatment Cost (USD): $300.00
Cyrus is a 2 year old Persian cat who underwent feline neuter surgery at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center. Persian cats are "brachycephalic," meaning they have flat faces. ("Bracychephaly" means "short skull.") Brachycephalic cats like Cyrus can sometimes have breathing difficulties due to their anatomy, and they are at higher risk for breathing complications during surgery. For this reason, extra precautions were taken during Cyrus's neuter to ensure that he could breathe properly. This resulted in the costs being a little higher than they would be for a straightforward neuter of a non-brachycephalic breed.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) In 10-Month Old Kitten: Prudence
Treatment Cost (USD): $206.00
Prudence, a 10-month old domestic shorthair tabby cat, presented to the clinic for a spay (ovariohysterectomy or OHE) surgery.
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Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Malibu, A 14 Yr Old Indoor Cat With A Pyometra
Treatment Cost (USD): $455.00
Eating some. Lethargic. White discharge from vulva? Licking a lot. No vomiting or diarrhea. Indoor only. Patient is NOT spayed. Last heat cycle about 8 weeks ago.
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Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Radioiodine Treatment For A Hyperthyroid Cat. Treatment For Hyperthyroidism In A Cat With I-131.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1962.00
Bica was experiencing weight loss. This was also muscle loss. She seemed healthy, was eating well, but losing muscle mass.
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Emergency Visit
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
An Unblocking Procedure On A 4 Year Old Feline (cat)
Treatment Cost (USD): $1446.00
Ricky came in to Jarrettsville Vet Center with symptoms of not urinating and hiding in his house as well as vomiting. His owners were concerned that he wasn't acting like himself. After an examination he was determined to have a urinary blockage. Ricky had urinary problems for about a month prior to the eventual blockage. This is a common occurrence with cats and it is important to talk with your vet about a treatment plan.
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