

Our community of pet owners, pet lovers, pet experts, and veterinarians can help you with your pet’s health-related questions.


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3,058 questions and counting

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Anytime that you have a pet question or can offer pet advice, Pawbly is here to help.

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Veterinarians, trainers, and experienced pet people are waiting to help you and your pets.

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“What helps an old dog with arthritis?” – Sharon

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“Do you recommend coconut oil as a supplement for dogs?” – Janet

Share Your Pet Health Stories

Your experience can help a pet
Tell us your pet story, whether a home remedy, regular vet visit, emergency visit, or other pet service experience.

Share the Details
What was the diagnosis, treatment and cost with your veterinarian or pet service provider? Do you have photos of your pet and a vet receipt? Send them to us so we can help other pet owners by making the pet health industry transparent and public!

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Browse through other pet owner stories. If you have experienced a similar situation and can offer additional information or guidance, post it to their story to help the community!