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Theresa | 3 weeks ago
Spiral Fracture Of The Humerus-JVC Dr Magnifico

I’m have a 7month old female tortie who broke her left humerus last night. The ER vet at falls road animal hospital who was the only ER able to take her, and delayed a surgery to do so, said it was a spiral fracture and they were worried it could puncture through the skin. I was quoted $1400 for everything needed before surgery. They say they can do surgery Thursday which they estimated to be 4-5k but has always been higher in my experience with them so I am anticipating 6k. I do not have those funds. I made a gofundme, waggle, and posted to fb groups. I’ve reached out to other vets like JVC, timonium, padonia, spaynow for second opinions. Hoping to hear back. Especially from Dr Magnifico at JVC as she has come the mostly highly recommended on every post I’ve made.
Any help would be beneficial.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I understand how expensive and difficult it is to manage an injury like this. This is a difficult bone and fracture to treat. In all cases of broken bones it is ideal to see an orthopedic surgeon and be at a facility that specializes in this. There are board certified veterinary surgeons in our area. You can google them for a facility near you. If you are staying at this hospital please inquire who is doing the surgery and what their credentials are.
    This fracture is beyond the scope of what our hospital can do. For cases like this we would offer a referral to a specialist or cage rest and pain management. This is a young cat and it will likely heal with strict cage rest. In my opinion this should always be offered before discussion of an amputation. Your cat must stay in a small cage with a low bed, low sided litter box and rest for 4-8 weeks. Even if you have the leg surgically repaired these cats need strict cage rest for 4-8 weeks. Re-Xray every 2 weeks.
    In 20 years of practicing veterinary medicine almost all of these cases were managed with crate test alone due to clients not being able to afford the $6-10,000 estimate for surgery. They have ALL done well with cage rest. I also recommend that she is spayed after healing. Best of luck.

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Roberta | 3 months ago
Have A 7 Month Old Orange Tabby. Adopted At 4 Months. Has A Bout Of Diarrhea After A …

Have a 7 month old orange tabby. Adopted at 4 months. Has a bout of diarrhea after a long progress of switching him to kitten food instead of adult that was at the shelter (dry, Hills normal kitten). Then harder bowel movements occurred. Small incomplete prolapse occurred. Vet thought could be parasites (none on fecal) and did proactive dewormer. Also started on revolution plus. No improvement, started wet food (hill sensitive stomach kitten). Added water and a probiotic. Perforation continued. Saw vet two weeks later and did another round of dewormed. Said it should resolve on own.

Second opinion at new place. The did manual exam, nothing structurally abnormal. Planned on purse string but then vet consulted and decided conservative measured first. Animax cream and hills I/d. Started to become super constipated. A lot of tummy massages and forced “bicycle” kicks. You could feel the back up. Two week later, switched to hills biome. Did another fecal (negative). Less straining but still harder than average BMs. Continued with adding water and probiotics.

Almost a week ago, did purse string. This poor guy had a bad night the following night after surgery. Only way I can describe it is that it’s almost like a mega colon. He’s able to get highly compacted BMs partly through. I help assist with wiping, warm compresses, warm bath, it’s miserable for the both of us and I thought he’d would burst the stitches or just create a new opening. Finally got most of it to pass. Took back to vet in the am. They could only see a little bit of stool on x-ray but said everything is fine. Upped lactulose to 2mL tid and .75 gabapentin tid. Things were okay until he has to push again. Not as bad but I’m afraid this will be an issue once the stitches are removed in 2 days. Still watering down food, even more since surgery and blended up the biome.

I’m just not sure how to express the compacted BMs are continuing. I had to beg for a CBCw/diff just to ensure there wasn’t a concern for high eos. He drinks great and no concerns with urination. He struggles to eat because of all of this. He’s a little underweight. Super active happy kitty besides all of this.

Any advice on diet, tests, ect that I can bring up to vet? Enema before stitch removal? They do consult a specialist since he’s a kitten and I’m about to ask for a referral. Switch to Royal GI kitten? I just feel horrible that the dude is back and forth in a cone and not fully enjoying his kitten phase. Plus this is putting a strain on our relationship.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Yikes. What a roller coaster.
    Ok. So probably no one is going to like my advice, but here it is.
    I do not get upset by a little prolapse. Kittens push really hard after diarrhea bouts. They just do. Resolve the diarrhea with the fecal check and a gradual transition to a good diet. If still having diarrhea I try panacur or metronidazole for just a few days.
    The kitten tells you what to do from there. If playful and happy I manage the prolapse with belly massage and exercise. I am very very reluctant to add a purse string. Too pain and they start to push even harder.
    If I have to purse string it is only for old cats. Or for puppies. But you often have to place it and then remove it 3 days later. And then replace it again. Often it takes two or three times. And no one ever wants to do it that often. So. I just try to avoid it in the first place.

    Kittens heal soo fast. Just give them a chance .

    1. Roberta Post author

      Have the diarrhea in check. Probably two weeks after it occurred. Now constant hard to compacted BMs for the last 2.5 months. The only time the prolapse resected was for like two days after the manual exam. That was two months ago. It started to look irritated so went ahead with the purse string. Total of 3 months of prolapse, maybe half of the external sphincter involved,

      He hated the massages, the steroid cream, wearing the cone, and the straining.

      I’m concerned it’s going to be a failure. He’s pushing too hard and I’m having to help remove the impaction. His bowels just laugh at lactulose, 2mL tid. I asked if it may have been too tight and/or enema may be a good idea since it’s just getting stuck/backing up. They think everything is fine. It looks like when a human takes round the clock opioids with no stool softer and didn’t drink and water.

      I’m just at a loss of what to do/ask for. I’m going to ask to try royal canin GI kitten. The hills biome and I/d are not helping. Tried pumpkin, probiotic, and adding coconut oil (not all together) to food, no help.

      Great drinker, I add water to wet food, and urinates great. It’s just these darn compacted BMs.

      It’s been a strenuous 3 months and this poor guy is such a forgiving trooper. I’m afraid of this does continue, it’s going to be a full on prolapse.

      Purse string stitches come out tomorrow, total of seven days.

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Juan | 4 months ago
I’m Saving A Small 8-10 Week Kitten. We Found Her While We Were Walking Our …

I’m saving a small 8-10 week kitten. We found her while we were walking our neighborhood, she was crying for help on the side road/gutter. She has a hurt right leg. We have caught her and made sure that she was alone…we visited her for about 1 week (feeding and winning her trust) and new we had to help her ASAP. We got a trap and trapper her and took her home. We don’t have much money since I have already saved two other feral kittens in the neighborhood and kept them both. I won’t get into that since that is not my purpose on here. But we have taken Lola (the new found kitten) to get x-rayed and started her shots. I’m at my wits end because we took her to AM/PM Vet to get the x-ray and they simply said that she has no broken leg and that more than likely she would need the leg amputated but to give her two weeks. They did not offer any advice what to do. So, we took her back and this time they (another vet at AM/PM) said that it was a mis diagnosis. I have been spending lots of time with Lola and massaging her leg and I think she has been able to move it more than when we first brought her home. She is totally comfortable with us at home now and I think she is healing but I’m not sure if what I am doing is causing more harm. I’m doing my best to keep her confined in a cage, but I do take her out to bond with her and play and massage her leg. So today, I saw your video putting a splint on Penelope and I think that is what I should do also. I believe the symptom you mention is possibly what Lola is experiencing. Should I take her to another vet specialist who can give hopeful advise? Can you please give me advise on: What to do and What Not to do? I’m doing the best I can but finding it difficult because I have saved two other cats (Mango is 3 years now and MaeLa is 8 months – they were both feral kittens when I saved them. It has been two weeks now and I know time is of the essence to help Lola with her leg. Please help me with advice from your experiences.

6 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for helping this kitten. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to help her. Kittens this young can have miraculous recoveries from the most extreme trauma. As long as she is eating, drinking and urinating and popping and playing I would just let her heal and grow. There is honestly not much more that you can do. I never rush to amputation unless the leg is causing a problem. As long as she stays inside where she is safe having a non functional leg won’t hurt her. Massage and allowing her to play in a cage is fine. I just wouldn’t want her running and jumping in a room, or off a bed or couch as it might worsen the injury. I also have to say that I worry about rabies. I have seen a few young kittens be injured by a rabid animal and this puts humans in danger. I don’t know if this is a problem in your area.
    Keep doing what you are doing. Lots of cats do great and live long happy lives with one or more imperfect legs.

    1. Juan Post author

      Thank you so much for contacting me – I appreciate it. Do you think it will be helpful to put the splint on her leg to straighten it out, so it heals that way? Or should I just continue doing what we are doing to help her without putting on a splint. We are doing our best to keep Lola from jumping up on sofa or tree I just bought her. Lola, I believe is now feeling safe and comfortable around us. So that makes me happy to see her feel safe and gaining weight. So, I have two other cats (3-year male and 8-month female) both are fully vaccinated, and Lola has already had her 1st set of shots. I’ve done lots of reading on how to integrate a new kitty, but I can’t find anything about a hurt kitten. Can you give some insight to this and perhaps some guidance. I am super greatly for your help/advise.


  2. Juan Post author

    This is Lola (about 10 -12 weeks old). It shows how she carries her leg…it is bent and keeps it bent. I do straigthen it out and massage it and press on her claw to get blood flowing. I don’t know if I am doing good or bad…I just want to make sure I am helping her recover and not doing more damage. If you need to see a video of her walking, to give more advise then I can. Thank you again for your kindness.

  3. Krista Magnifico


    The picture helps. For these cases I apply a soft splint made from wrapped tongue depressors. I have a video on my YouTube channel. In general these cases need some rigid support that doesn’t go in so tight that it causes limb damage. Over a few weeks the leg might be able to be supported enough yo straighten out.

    1. Juan Post author

      Hi again, I saw the video and it looks easy but I know it will not be. All the moving from kitty. I purchased this xtra small splint. Maybe use it for 8-10 hours during day and remove for massage and resting. The vet gave gabapentin but not sure I should give…maybe at night?
      Is this considered a soft splint? Im also looking into physical therapy for kitty. What do you think ?
      I’m trying to add picture of splint but not able to.

  4. Juan Post author

    Hi, I am using a soft splint I purchased on Lola’s front right limb. Do I enclose her in a cage or small play-pin so she does not move around that much for a certain amount of time (two weeks)? I can’t afford feline physical therapy or to get them to look at her. I believe it is what “Wink” one of your videos had. I have tried to search and search for guidance and I can’t find anything. Lola is around 14 weeks now and has filled in. She is doing all that a little kitten would be doing except she only uses the 3 limbs. Please give some guidance on Splint Therapy (soft splint) such as:
    * how long to wear the splint per day and overall duration (2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc).
    * Do I limit movement? Do I close her in her cage, with food, water, toys and litter box?
    * Do I give her any medication for pain or inflammation?

    Please help me with your guidance or links I can read or view. Thank you so much

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Laura | 4 months ago
8 Week Old Female Kitten Not Defecting Properly….several Days. My 21 Year Old Daughter (away At College) …

8 week old female kitten not defecting properly….several days. My 21 year old daughter (away at college) just got a kitten last Tuesday. She noticed the kitten wasn’t pooping but the kitten was trying but either nothing was coming out or a piece was stuck in and hanging of her rectum. Sometimes my daughter returns to the room where the kitten is and finds smears of poop. he took her to the ER and they gave the kitten an enema… which sort of worked a bit and the kitten did go on Friday (the day after). They wanted to do more such as an X-ray and give fluids but the cost was so high my daughter didn’t want to do that. Since then, the kitten is trying to go anywhere and everywhere but nothing coming out. Occasionally some poop smears are found. Thus far the kitten has been in decent spirits…. playful a bit and eating wet food (with a little aded water). Of course, I’m sure this will change fast. Last night the kitten tried to poop while sitting on my daughters lap. 🙁
We have an appt. on Tuesday afternoon at a local vet whom I use for my cats and I trust….. I’m worried we can’t wait til then to get her checked. Any suggestions on what could be going on? I’m worried its something more serious. Thank you so much for your consideration!!!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I think that every 21 year old college person needs to rethink such a young pet. I also think that you should regard yourself as this kittens parent until she is spayed and fully vaccinated. Kittens, and anything this young are inherently fragile and vulnerable and need constant supervision and immediate veterinary care from the first days of adoption.
    As far as being able to wait until Tuesday I cannot answer that with anything other than what I wrote above. The minute you fear there is a problem you should be at a vets office.
    I hope she is ok

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Gwen | 4 months ago
Got This 3-4 Week Kitten Who Needed A Home And Appears To Have A Twisted/angular …

Got this 3-4 week kitten who needed a home and appears to have a twisted/angular wrist. He was most likely born with this deformity since I don’t believe his legs cause him any pain. He is starting to walk and it is becoming a bit of a struggle.
Can someone recommend me any options? I don’t want to go to the Vet just now because i know it will end being costly with X-rays and such. Right now i’m considering splinting, but I also want to know other options like maybe messages, etc. He is doing pretty well, but since he does sometimes walk, supporting his leg on the leg twisted (the bone, rather than his paw), i’m afraid it’ll become a future problem when he’s older.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    If you follow my blog at I have a few articles on this. I would use a soft splint and rest. These kittens grow and the legs strengthen and they can have normal lives. If you are anywhere near me in northern Maryland I will help.

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Elaine | 4 months ago
Good Morning, I Have An 8wk Old Presumed Female Kitten With A Rare Congenital Defect Causing …

Good morning, I have an 8wk old presumed female kitten with a rare congenital defect causing a cloaca instead of normal anus and vagina. She went to another vet for what was thought to be constipation and a partial vaginal prolapse and we were given the diagnosis and told of an expensive surgery that could correct the issue but were advised that euthanasia might be the best course as we’re a rescue and the surgery is not only expensive but has a high complication rate. I’m trying to find anyone with experience with this or surgeons that have done this surgery. We’re trying to decide if the surgery will prolong a happy, comfortable life or only cause issues down the road. She is currently being maintained with laxatives, abdominal massages, antibiotics both oral and topical, prednisone, and bathing. She is a normal, happy kitten except for her bathroom needs and being very undersized(1.4lbs and half the size of her littermates).
Her diagnosis:
Type II Atresia Ani
Rectourethral Fistula

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Paula | 8 months ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico, Thank You From The Bottom Of Our Hearts For Your Help With Our …

Hi Dr. Magnifico,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help with our baby Percy last week. He perked right up after the Subq fluids and is doing well. I wanted to ask you how many times is best to feed him since he is a kitten? Don’t want to overfeed him or underfeed him. Also, since I rescued him from the rescue I volunteer with ( AARF) they will be doing his neutering on 7/30. He will be 3.5 months then. He was born on April 11th 2024. I’m still nervous because he’s so young and little and just want to do the right thing and for it to be safe for him. How young do you neuter boy kittens if I came to you? My kitten that I rescued in 2005 from Defender’s of Animal Rights was already spayed when I got her and she was just a little thing. I know with male kittens you have to wait longer. Thanks so much for your advice.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am so happy to hear that Percy is doing well.

    I think that feeding three times a day is fine. I will admit that with my kittens I leave out dry kitten food and offer a half a 3 oz can every 12 hours.

    I also think that neutering at 3.5 months is fine. I have done it many times. If able I prefer to neuter at about 6 months old.. But I understand why the rescues prefer early., You will have to discuss with them,

    Thank you for all you do to help these animals who need us.

    take care

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Maryam | 8 months ago
Hello All, Writing In With An Agonizing And Drawn Out Struggle With My Cat Petra.. I …

Hello all,
Writing in with an agonizing and drawn out struggle with my cat Petra..

I rescued a feral kitten in 2022 who developed cryptococcosis the following year – confirmed through a biopsy.
She has the cutaneous and nasal form, and while we tried itraconazole for a few months, it did devastating damage to her nose.
Vet switched her to fluconazole 37.5 mg (at that time my cat was just over year old and weighed 3.5 kg) once a day… and the symptom relief was remarkable!
Within a month, her nose was much less inflamed and starting to look “relatively normal” again, and best part was she was no longer having difficulty breathing, no stertor or mouth open.
Her many crusty skin lesions and nodules under the skin cleared up miraculously!

But, the success was short-lived, because a couple of months later she developed a big bulge on her abdomen/side under the skin – which eventually erupted. She had had several of these nodules and lumps, that ulcerated last year but the fluconazole seemed to clear them all up. Until now. I was so disheartened, to say the least.
The crater-like ulcer got infected and our vet (RCVS licensed in UK) decided surgery was the best option.
We did this, and the vet found more ulcers which needed to be removed to patch up the skin. It was a horrific looking surgery aftermath when she came home.

Petra required to wear a cone for 3 weeks after her surgery so she couldn’t touch her healing wound. It got infected anyway, and this increased her “cone suffering” duration.
The impact of many vet visits, surgery, and follow ups while the vet checked if the wound was healing and if the stitches could be removed, was quite an ordeal for Petra.
She gets very stressed and is difficult to put in a carrier. I feel that the stress of cone duration + all the vet trips triggered an inflammatory response in her and her nose started showing signs of the fungus again. Inflammation, distortion and worst of all the stertor was back.

The vet increased her fluconazole dose to 75 mg a day (37.5 mg morning, 37.5 mg evening). This had no noticeable effect and her nose got more inflamed as each day went by. 2 months later and her nose is worse than ever and the tip is so inflamed. With the loss of scent and ability to breathe sufficiently, she’s become reluctant to eat more than half a tin of food a day. Sometimes all she will eat is half a tablespoon and then runs off, upset.

Petra’s vet wants to put her on a maximum dose of 150 mg of fluconazole, daily, before assessing her quality of life and potential euthanasia.
I decided to try homeopathic remedies first, while continuing 75 mg a day of fluconazole) but it doesn’t appear to be helping 3 weeks in.

I’m concerned about continuing vet interventions, because Petra is so stressed by them, and at 150 mg a day she will need to see the vet frequently and likely need blood tests. At 150 mg a day, it’s also a non sustainable chunk of my monthly expenses (taken from diminishing savings), and she is not my only cat or responsibility… this could go on for years..

If she has no positive response (symptoms relief) at 150 mg, the vet is out of ideas other than euthanasia. I live in Bahrain and the options for treating this fungus are very limited.
They have not seen it in over 40 years of vet practice, so this is a first time.

I love Petra and it’s been hell witnessing her struggle to breathe for over a year. That’s what makes me panicky and consider quality of life, if she cannot be cured or brought to a level of management where the fungus doesn’t impede her breathing.

I need advice from a community of animal lovers, vets, who can also understand and take into consideration her temperament and adverse reaction (inflammation) to vet visits.

I was really hoping the homeopathic medicine would help and the practitioner I found has many years of successes working with animals. It’s either the wrong remedy, or just going to take a long time. In the meantime, in my opinion, my cat is suffering and struggling. She takes gasps of air every so often and her mouth is slightly open while she makes a snoring sound as she tries to breathe through her blocked airway. She has lost weight as she eats much less now. She was 4.7 kg in April before her surgery. At the beginning of June she was 4.5 kg and now she is closer to 4 kg.
Also within the last 2 months, her eyes have gotten affected by the nodules. One above her right eye, under the skin and affecting the bone. The other is in her left lower eyelid.
During this whole ordeal, her right lymph node under her jaw has been the size of a golf ball.. and the left one also swelled up a few months later. But that side seems to have gone down.

Any help or advice on what to do.. would be very much appreciated.

Pics from most recent (today June 3rd 2024) to last year before fluconazole and way before, late 2022, when she was a kitten.

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am so sorry to hear of your frustration over your cats case.
    I am not able to give much advice on this case with specific details to treatment but I will add that I think seeing a feline practitioner (someone who just sees cats) and see if they can help.
    I am sorry but I cannot advise a homeopathic vet on this case, it is too far advanced.

    I wish you the best of luck

    1. Maryam Post author

      Thank you, Dr. Magnifico,
      I have agreed to up her dose to 150 mg of fluconazole and it’s been a week with no improvements so far – except I noticed her drinking more water. Living on a small island, we don’t have any feline only vets, every vet here sees both cats and dogs. I really don’t want to elect euthanasia (which the vet said is an option) and the other end of the spectrum is my fear that she will suffocate eventually. It’s been so painful watching this unfold. Thank you for responding, about homeopathy. It is an added cost and couriers to get the medicine in. I have been desperate.

  2. Shiria

    I’m so sorry to hear that your cat is so unwell. I’ve luckily never seen ryptococcosis, but if it is treated with itraconazole or fluconazole, maybe ketaconazole is an option to try, too?
    Thank you for trying so much for your cat and not giving up on her. You are both amazing.

    1. Maryam Post author

      Hello Shiria, thank you for your kind comment. Petra is amazingly resilient.
      Animals take on suffering without complaint so I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing at this point, if she won’t get better. I’ve read about ketoconazole but it seems like the least helpful of the two azoles for this condition, and it seems like it has more adverse effects too. I will look into it, though, I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing for her as she struggles to breathe and trials take time. It hurts to think of putting her down and it hurts to see her suffering without knowing what will help, or if anything will. At a certain point I ask if it’s selfish to keep her alive & suffering in the hopes something will help, over a year on.

  3. Maryam Post author

    Hello. An update for anyone in the future researching on behalf of their pet who develops this fungus.
    A cure is possible, some cats respond very well to anti-fungal meds. My Petra did not. Initially, her nose cleared up very well and she could breathe much better, but the fungus returned with a vengeance a few months later.

    She has been on Fluconazole for 11 months total:
    (37.5mg – 75mg), and on 150mg for 3 months. 2 months into the higher dose, I found her with anisocoria (one pupil very dilated). It went away and came back over two days. One of her eyes is droopy (Horner’s syndrome). Yesterday I found blood smeared on her paw and couldn’t find a wound.

    I took her to the vet, who opened her mouth and discovered the fungal growths are pushing through her soft palate (roof of mouth) and causing anatomical separation. Her nose is swelling up considerably and distorting again. It began regressing 6 months ago but was relatively stable, but now it’s increasing in size and doubling almost overnight. She has lost 1 kilo. The vet has recommended euthanasia, unequivocally. Petra is struggling to get air in, and while we hoped for a cure (with medication) that is not happening. It’s cruel to continue with no hope of quality of life and only more suffering, and the outcome if left would be suffocation.

    We have decided to let my sweet girl go, while she is still mobile, eating, before she suffocates to death.

    It’s been so traumatic, to witness this and I want to send good vibes to anyone in the future who is struggling with the same disease (mainly the nose – which causes so much suffering).

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Rebecca | 8 months ago
My Kitten I Think Has An Abscess It Started Out As A Small Lump And It …

My kitten I think has an abscess it started out as a small lump and it just keeps getting bigger and I need advice on how to treat it at home as I don’t have money to go to vet

1 Response


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jewel | 10 months ago
How Can I Best Extract Bowels From My Injured Cat? She Is Not Using The Litter …

how can i best extract bowels from my injured cat? she is not using the litter box, but there is some leakage. she has no tone in her anus and most likely is healing from nerve damage. i have figured out how to extract her bladder. she is still eating and lively. more details of her condition and our process to support her below.

moonstone is about a year old and showed up at our house 4 months ago brave and spirited. she disappeared for a week and came back with a serious injury. we took her to the er because she was leaking urine and had a limp tail and left hind leg. we learned that her bladder needed to be urgently expressed and that her bowels were backed up. we also learned that she had a tail avulsion and a fracture in her left femoral joint. they expressed her bladder and bowels and sent us home with pain meds and anti-inflammatory medication. we went to aspca the next day hoping to get treatment for her fractured bones, but they suggested nursing her at home and learning how to express her bladder and bowels to see if she could regain control and tone in her anus. they said that maybe in a few weeks she could regain feeling and be able to use the bathroom on her own, and then they would consider amputating her tail and treating her leg. we have quickly learned how to express her bladder, but are struggling to get her to poop. please help us keep moonstone alive!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry to hear about your cat.

    I think that you need to find a veterinarian or a veterinary technician who can show you how to do this. I would also recommend you start gentle physical therapy and feed canned food to keep the feces soft and able to pass more easily.