We have a 3 year old Husky that has 2 claws located on different paws that keep bleeding …

We have a 3 year old Husky that has 2 claws located on different paws that keep bleeding at the tip of the claw multiple times per week when she is outside in our backyard. The cause of the bleeding is not from trimming her nails too short and she is not one to be racing around the yard, potentially injuring her claws. We finally were able to get a good look at the tip of her claw to see where the source of the blood was coming from. Please see photos. It looks like the 2 claws that are bleeding may have broken so far down that there is a bubble of tissue exposed on the tip. We are not sure how or why this could happen and are desperately seeking some information and guidance about what the problem is and how to prevent the bleeding from recurring in the future. Please help! Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Please see a veterinarian as soon as possible. In cases like this I always want to make sure that there is not a clotting problem and there are a few diseases that huskies get where rhe nails do not grow properly. These are things to talk about with your vet.