Update: German Shepherd Diesel. I would like to receive your advice regarding my German Shepherd, Diesel, …

Update: German Shepherd Diesel.
I would like to receive your advice regarding my German Shepherd, Diesel, who has developed a limp. His limp has gotten a little bit better, but sometimes he will limp very badly. I have limited his activity and made sure he isn’t putting any unnecessary stress on the foot. I’ve located the source of his discomfort, which is on his right rear ankle, and it is swollen. There’s no apparent injury to his paw, and I’m concerned it could be a sprain or even a fracture. He was running around in the house on porcelain tiles playing ball, and I noticed him limping on one of his runs. I’m unsure whether to proceed with an x-ray or to monitor his condition for a few more days. Your professional opinion on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and attention to Diesel’s situation.

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Krista Magnifico
5 months ago


If the limping doesn’t resolve with rest and there is swelling then I think that you need an Xray.