So our little Morkie Stella had jumped from my arms and landed wrong on her hind …

So our little Morkie Stella had jumped from my arms and landed wrong on her hind leg. She then proceeded to have trouble walking on it and has been limping. It seems to be affecting her joint. She’s not crying out in pain, but is not putting any pressure on her leg. Her hip felt stiff under my fiance’s grasp.
I am freaking out, unsure of what to do. She’s not shrieking when we touch it. She’s just complying

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

Hello, The only time a joint injury is a true emergency is a hip dislocation in these cases time is of the essence to put it back into place. The classic presentation of this is a prominent bump on the hip and the leg appears to be rotated outward also they toe touch. Little dogs tend to have shallow hips so they can dislocate fairly easily and it is most common with a fall or jump. A trip to the ER is indicated they will take an X-ray and if dislocated try to put it back into place. The faster… Read more »