Our 9 y.o. English Bulldog, Max, is experiencing a very itchy face only on the right …

Our 9 y.o. English Bulldog, Max, is experiencing a very itchy face only on the right side. He will scratch daily and it sometimes becomes raw. We have moved to Colorado, but have not established a veterinarian here yet. With COVID-19, I do not want to take him out to the vet unless it is the only way to treat this. Is there something I can get online? I have seen great reviews for Coat Defense which, according to reviews, is used successfully for itchy skin on horses, dogs, and cats. Do you have any experience with that product or is there something else that could address both the itchiness and the root of the problem that you might suggest?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello! So. Here is the problem. Your pups itch is probably too severe and deep to allow an otc to work well. Also and this is a big one, it is on the face. So you have to be crazy careful about what you use. I actually have used this product and it works well. But it cannot be near the eyes or mouth. The source is the genetics. Aka the plague of being a bulldog. The answer lies at the vets office. Start there. His history and breed make it important to go earlier than waiting for it to… Read more »