My son (lives in florida) sent me a picture of a lump on his dogs lip. …

My son (lives in florida) sent me a picture of a lump on his dogs lip. His vet told him it was a wart. I wanted to see if that is true. He’s concerned and wanted to make sure she is ok. She is a 2 year old Samoyed.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

The only way to accurately diagnose any kind of lump or bump or mass is to get a tissue sample and submit it for biopsy. Other than that is is simply speculation. I would advise either a second opinion or a biopsy. Often if there is a very small base to the mass I will try a local injection block and then a hemostat placement and suture to remove it. I don’t always use full general anesthesia but in some cases it is needed. Biopsy at my clinic is about $200.