My indoor outdoor cat has been losing weight. Recently took her to er vet because she …

My indoor outdoor cat has been losing weight. Recently took her to er vet because she stopped eating and was very lethargic and they took xrays and bloodwork and no results she hasn’t pooped in 2 days hasn’t eaten in 4 days not interested in food at all she is a chronic puker and 2 days ago she puked a bunch today she puked up clear foam and pooped liquid with some solid and it had hair in it

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5 years ago

I would make an appointment to see your regular vet. My assumption is that they will do a full blood work up and thorough exam. Being that they know your pet best and have a relationship with you- they can start investigating thoroughly to find out what might be happening. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions to help with the detective work of figuring out what is going on. If you can, try to remember exactly when things started going downhill… is it possible she got into something she shouldn’t have? Halloween candy? Has she been nibbling on… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Jason

It sounds like your cat has been exposed to some kind of poison. I would take it to the emergency vet hospital for a thorough blood screening. I hope your kitty feels better!

5 years ago

I’m thinking coccidia . Get that tested asap and make her eat something! Anything. 4 days is too long. Her liver enzymes will go up and she will sink more. Try droppers or syringes of rebound recouperation or Gerber baby chicken and gravy watered down with kitty lyte or plain Pedialyte. Some hills AD diet would be great but it requires a script from vet. 1 TBL 2-3 times a day will keep get safe.

Ponazuril will nuke the coccidia
So will TMZ