My four year old dachshund was just diagnosed with IVDD, and is presenting with full paralysis …

My four year old dachshund was just diagnosed with IVDD, and is presenting with full paralysis of his hind legs. He seems to be in a lot of pain despite being put on Robaxin by our vet. I am feeling very overwhelmed because it happened so suddenly, and am really looking for ways to help him as much as I can. I work full time as well, but live with my parents who will be home with him everyday so I would like to be able to coach them in what I learn. Is there a go to resource for helping your dog to heal from IVDD?

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4 years ago

Hi there- so sorry!! Dr. Magnifico has videos that may be able to help you on her YouTube channel. I would take a look there… very best of luck to you and your pup????????