My female Jack Russell, Rowan was recently diagnosed with protein and crystals in her urine as …

My female Jack Russell, Rowan was recently diagnosed with protein and crystals in her urine as well as being acidic. Her vulva is also irritated and a little puffy. We tried 10 days of antibiotics, no change, so now are trying Sci. Diet C/D , does not really like the kibble, can I mix in veggie puree, pumpkin or anything else to make it more palatable for her. Any suggestions are welcome. Maybe wet food?Again we are under vet care, not just home medicating.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

for these cases I try to add a little of the food they will eat to a little of the food I want them to eat. Is the vulva irritated because she is in heat? or could it be vaginitis that is causing the urinary tract to be affected.