My daughter Adopted a dog from Tru Rescue she was just spayed with one of their …

My daughter Adopted a dog from Tru Rescue she was just spayed with one of their vets. She’s one two years old. My daughter noticed that one of her back teeth has a huge cavity in it at the root. She took her in to the same vet in Baltimore and he said it needs to be removed. She is not really thrilled with that Vet or the office staff. I told her about Dr Mag and all the wonderful people and Jarrettsville Vet. She plans on switching over to Jarrettsville Vet because that’s where I take all of mine and I love them. Just curious how much it would be to have that tooth extracted and a dental cleaning I suppose since she’s already under. Thanks.

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Krista Magnifico
3 months ago

Dental costs are a combination of a few things. The degree of difficulty, the tooth (different teeth have different numbers of roots), patient status and anesthesia time. In general patients like this need the following; examination ($50), pre op blood work (lowest cost option is $50) and dental cost (usually $800 and up). Then post op medications like pain meds and antibiotics ($50-150).

During the exam we can give you a better estimate. Thank you for rescuing this dog.

PS you can also call the shelter/rescue and ask if they can provide this service.
