My cats have been patients at your clinic for some time. It’s a bit if …

My cats have been patients at your clinic for some time. It’s a bit of a drive, which is fine for everyone but Flynn. He usually will poop in his carrier which in turn gets all over him. The poor staff and vet have to deal with his unfortunate messy, smelly “accident”. My question is if there is something we can give him to help this situation. Or if you have any recommendations to calm his obviously nervous digestive system. Thanks!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, Thank you for the question and for being so loyal you would drive such a distance and put Flynn through this. The great news is that there is a whole lot you can do and try. First I would say start with making the carrier less scary and anxiety filled. This is accomplished by acclimating him to ir as a normal part of his day. Leave it out for at least a week before the visit. Or, try to incorporate it s part of his daily life. Put toys, catnip and food in it. Make it a part of… Read more »