My baby Brownie was diagnosed with IVDD 6 days ago. I didn’t go for the surgery …

My baby Brownie was diagnosed with IVDD 6 days ago. I didn’t go for the surgery due to the cost. I’m giving him crate treatment at home he’s on two pain meds and a steroid at the moment. I hate seeing my baby in pain but I’m trying to stay positive. I saw your video on YouTube and it was very positive and hopefully. I’m hoping you can share any advice on our I can bring my baby back to good health. Currently his back legs aren’t working and he has no control over his bladder so I’m helping him go potty and cleaning his pee pad. His back and neck are in pain. I’m hoping he can make a great recovery.

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

Wishing you the very best of luck. I have quite a few videos on this and you can also search Ivdd at There’s lots of info there too