My 18 year old cat (long hair) has been having some issues for about 2 weeks now. On 2/10/24 …

My 18 year old cat (long hair) has been having some issues for about 2 weeks now. On 2/10/24 he started throwing up at breakfast and didn’t want dinner, Stopped drinking and eating from that point and howl crying by sunday night into Monday. Got hospitalized on Monday the 12th got labs done, a urinalysis, semi ultrasound and xrays. He was severely dehydrated, negative for UTI, severely anemic (6.8 range was 10.9-15 ). Over night he got IV fluids and antibiotics and ate some the morning, labs were normal by discharge except for anemia. Xray ray did reveal, distended stomach with gas, arthritis, one small kidney. He came home didn’t really eat much, followed up with regular vet got subq fluids and appetite stimulant (rubs on ear), 1-2 days after he ate like a horse mostly broths and liquids foods. He is now constipated and vomiting again, not eating and lethargic. Took him to the vet 2/24/24 for subq fluids vet also gave him an enema. He has not pooped still its been about 30 hours. I tried to give him gabapentin yesterday but he threw up. This morning he threw up “poop” like vomit. We gave him 1/2 ish teaspoon of miralax this morning threw up a little while later more poop like vomit. Seems to have broken a bit of his k9 tooth off also, doesnt seem to bee botbering him… We are considering doing at home mineral oil enema with a baby enema glycerin suppository with more miralax. He has eaten a tiny bit of Broth treat today and gotten outside for 2 walks. Are we doing the right steps ? Is there more or less we should be doing ? Trying to get to a more equipped vet hospital but probably won’t be until Tuesday 2/2724. Should I seek emergency medical attention or waiting until Tuesday be okay. Planning to take him to regular small vet tomorrow for subq at the least.Please help.

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Krista Magnifico
11 months ago

Hello, It sounds like your cat doesn’t have a diagnosis and we are chasing treatment options that don’t seem to be working. This tactic always gets me concerned because it makes it very hard to know what to do next or where to go for help. If you can afford it I recommend you see a feline practitioner. This is a veterinarian who only sees cats, or has a veterinary practice that only takes care of cats. I would also ask about trying a steroid, appetite stimulant, feeding tube and better help with at home care if you do not… Read more »