It has been about 3 weeks since my stray cat Snow had her stomatitis flare up again, …

It has been about 3 weeks since my stray cat Snow had her stomatitis flare up again, she will eat periodically if I cut up deli meat very small or mash Max cat venison canned food for her, the randomness of her eating isn’t likely enough to sustain her but as I mentioned before she won’t let me trap her for a vet visit. Is there something over the counter I can add to the food that I manage to get in her to reduce inflammation and is there a normal time frame that inflammation will subside on it’s own?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I haven’t had much luck with anything long term over the counter. In most cases the only way to get long term relief is with a full mouth extraction of all of the teeth. This should be done by a veterinarian who is proficient and comfortable with this. And unfortunately that can be expensive. I have tried steroids, antibiotics, cold laser therapy and even 1-TDC (available on line). Please ask your vet if any of these might help. I wish you the best. This disease is such a terrible one.