I noticed last Friday a faint circle on my dog head between his eyes the following …

I noticed last Friday a faint circle on my dog head between his eyes the following day it opened up and they was a circle of blood. I took my dog the vet on Monday and was given cream that I applied till Friday yesterday morning. Yesterday the scab came off and they was a small red circle not sure if they was any bleeding. The 4th picture show what it look like today. Can this be cancer? As I don’t understand if cancer develope a scab ? If it was just a bump that opened up and a scab formed for it to heal then should it not be showing a fleshy circle still ? How long does it usally take for this type of thing to heal? I have spent days looking at picture of cancer and they are all lump that bleed and I ain’t seen a picture of a scab forming over any. I asked my vet on Monday after she checked it out if it could be cancer and she said it could be but if it was just a scab would she not know ? Or can cancer form scabs?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

The saying goes that cancer can do whatever it wants. The best way to identify what this is is by taking a biopsy. Please ask your vet to help you monitor the masses progression and consider surgical biopsy if it persists or doesn’t heal.