I have been using cat fountains for my cats for a long time now, because they …

I have been using cat fountains for my cats for a long time now, because they all love fresh running cold water and insist on drinking out of the sink. The problem I’m having is that I still have not found the best cat fountain for my kids. So many of them are made from plastic, and regardless of how often you change the filters they mold easily. Gross. I have seen ceramic ones and stainless steel. I am reaching out for input from everyone to find out what it is they use that they find is the best. Even the filters tend to get funky quickly. I only have three cats and I do wash their fountain often. But I’m looking for one that will not mold easily and also does not make a huge mess on the floor. Thank you so much and advance!

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3 years ago

Hi there! Unfortunately, the issues you describe are endemic to the nature of a drinking fountain.

They all mold. It’s the nature of a warm, wet environment. They all need very frequent cleaning – is the nature of a water bowl.

What kind of mess are you seeing on the floor? Do you have anything under it to catch drips?