I have a 5 week old kitten I’m fostering that broke it’s leg last night …

I have a 5 week old kitten I’m fostering that broke it’s leg last night at the elbow. We saw a neighborhood vet that said we could take it to a surgeon, which would be very costly. Or just let it heal on its own. He said if we let it heal then we shouldn’t put it in a splint or anything because of where it’s broken. I feel it should have a splint. Thoughts?

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1 year ago

I mean, I’d listen to the vet. I’d also see if the organization you’re fostering through would be willing to pay for the surgery.

1 year ago

Kitties are rebellious to injuries, but most HATE being wrapped in anything…
Surgery may or may not be needed, but with kittens constantly growing, it would not jump straight to it!
Confining them to a smaller space and keeping them “confined” is a good place to start.

If the kitty does not seem to be improving with the break, some vets may talk about amputation as well. Radiographs may be helpful to see where exactly the break is to further choose the best decision for the kitty.