I have a 14 year old Yorkie who has been off since Saturday afternoon. She hasn’t …

I have a 14 year old Yorkie who has been off since Saturday afternoon. She hasn’t eaten much but is still drinking and urinating. She is extremely wobbly and not able to keep her balance, as her back legs keep giving out from under her. I took her to the ER yesterday evening and they mentioned she had a bulging disc. They did prescribe some medication and recommended 2 weeks of rest (no playing, going up and down the stairs, or jumping off the couch). My biggest concern aside from her inability to walk is her continued lack of appetite. She has hardly eaten since Saturday and no matter what I try to feed her, she is not interested. Any recommendations?

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

hello, i am never sure if this is hyporexia (decreased appetite) due to pain, or stress, or something else. Some of the pain medications cause sedation, and this can affect appetite. For these medications I advise feeding before the medication. Further if the pet cant walk well due to pain I worry about difficulty passing stool, or urinating as it hurts to stand and posture. I have a lot of information on this on my blog kmdvm.blogspot.com search IVDD. Also my YouTube channel and ask your vet for an appetite stimulant. Also check to make sure enough water is in… Read more »