i believe my cat has hepatic hepatic lipidosis lost alot a weight had her to two …

i believe my cat has hepatic hepatic lipidosis lost alot a weight had her to two vets in the past year that did nothing i thought she was doing better but this past month she has lost a lot of weight only 5 pounds she eating but not as much i say hepatic hepatic lipidosis because the last vet said her liver reading was off wanted 800.00 for a biopsy after i already paid for 400.00 for blood work i couldn’t afford it i lost my job during pandemic and just can’t afford a vet visit at the moment anything i can do???

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3 years ago

I am sorry that you are going through so much. I really think you should schedule time with your vet to sit and talk through the diagnosis, what the treatments are and see if you can come up with an affordable payment option. Explain your financial situation – see if there is a way to set up some sort of payment plan ???? so that your cat can get prepped diagnosis and treatment. Hopefully you and your vet can come to a mutual agreement. Best of luck to you!!!!????????