Hi there! My cat Ciel is three years old and on Halloween I had to take …

Hi there! My cat Ciel is three years old and on Halloween I had to take him to an emergency vet to have him unblocked. They flushed his bladder and gave me Prazosin and Gabapentin for him. He was doing good until this past Saturday when I saw he was straining. He is peeing a little but still struggling, I can’t afford another bill and I really can’t lose my baby. He’s the whole reason I’m here and I need him, is there anyway to help him? I’m taking him to the vet later today.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I agree that he needs to go to the vet ASAP. I would ask about a diet change, fluid intake and an exercise plan to help reduce the chances of this happening again. You can also ask about a PU surgery. Once a cat blocks I assume yst they will continue to do so. So I prepare my clients for this and we start budgeting and planing for it. Let me know what happens very best of luck.

5 years ago

Rx food really helped us when we had a cat years ago who had to have surgery to remove a blockage. Have you seen your regular vet since the emergency vet visit? I would schedule an appointment for sure and start talking about a future plan for you. Best of luck!!