Hi, I’m taking care of a sweet kitty BW, whom just had a blocked urethra. …

Hi, I’m taking care of a sweet kitty BW, whom just had a blocked urethra. He’s able to pee on his own yet I still need to syringe feed him & I have not seen him poop in a few days. In case he is constipated I need to know if slippery elm works for constipation also. I buy it from only natural pet so its alcohol free & in syrup form. I also give him proviable, D-mannose, fluids, & pinch of nutritional yeast. If anyone knows i would really appreciate your help. Thankyou.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your pet. I don’t think we can help here on the advise of slippery elm but I will say very very strongly that the worst thing you can do is assume constipation in this case. If your cat isn’t eating, or hasn’t been eating on their own I will almost guarantee that the problem is lack of fever and not backed up feces. please see your vet for a confirmation if consruoation before assuming and treating. I will testify that in almost all cases people guess wrong and make their sick pets, or recovering… Read more »