Hi, I only noticed this bump under Beasley’s nose few weeks ago. It is steadily …


I only noticed this bump under Beasley’s nose few weeks ago. It is steadily growing. Doctor thinks it is a skin granuloma, gave him antibiotics and steroids for the past week. Hasn’t helped I went back and looked at pictures, looks like it started mid August, after a trip to the beach. I can’t keep him from licking the spot, anything we put on it, he licks more to get it of.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

The best way to diagnose and lump or bump is with surgical excision and biopsy. Until that is done it is just a guess and many lesions can look very similar. I would hope it’s a histocytoma but I would talk to your vet about treatment options including surgical excision or referral to a veterinary dermatologist. Let us know what happens. And good luck!