Hi, I have a kitten named Luna. She is less one years old and we recently …

I have a kitten named Luna. She is less one years old and we recently discovered she has a nasal polyp. She has the “snoring” symptom while she is awake and has difficulty breathing through her nose. We took her to our local vet and she told us she was able to get the tip removed, but that we needed to see a specialist to get it completely removed. She told us the procedure would likely cost $1500-$2000. We happened to come across your video removing a cats polyp and was hoping we might be able to bring our cat to your clinic. How would we go about making an appointment with you and how much would we expect to pay?

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry but we are not a referral practice. Therefore it is difficult to set up an appointment for people who are not local. I also cannot give a price for a procedure I have not seen the patient t for. If you are local you can call the clinic and I will call you back to discuss.