Hello! I was listening to a lecture on animal nutrition, and it brought up the topic …

Hello! I was listening to a lecture on animal nutrition, and it brought up the topic of grain-free diets. I used to feed my dogs the blue wilderness grain free diet. But is grain free safe for my dog? Should my dogs have grain in their diet? They are currently eating team dog and that has grains in it. Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
4 months ago

I avoid grain free. I don’t think there is likely any benefit to it while there is still a risk of heart issues. So I just don’t recommend it. Why worry about something that is avoidable?

4 months ago

There appears to be a link between diets using legumes to boost protein and dilated cardiomyopathy. Whatever you feed, I would avoid anything with peas or other legumes high in the ingredient list.

Furthermore, if I’m feeding kibble, I have seen actual stool changes between grain free and grain inclusive. The latter seems to produce smaller, more solid stool than the former. My dogs have all done better on grain inclusive. I have found Purina’s Pro Plan to be the best for my specific dog’s gut – she has had almost no loose stool since we started her on it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Laura