Blocked cat, cannot afford ER. Need help urgently!

Hello, I live in San Jose California and need urgent help with my male 7yr old neutered cat who is blocked. I took him to a vet who referred him to an ER , the ER has given me an estimate of $4500 to $5000. I cannot afford the treatment, they have unblocked him and put a catheter and IV. They plan to keep him for 48hrs in the hospital, the doctor told me that she found stones in his bladder and kidneys. I am really worried, please help me find a vet who can treat him further for less. I want to move my cat in the morning to an affordable clinic. Please guide me on next steps and help me find a vet. The case summary from the vet and estimate from the ER is attached to the post. Please help me this is very urgent.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago


I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. Can you please go to my blog and see all of the articles I have there for this? I literally have documents that you can use as a step by step guide to try to get help that is both affordable and helpful.

Krista Magnifico
1 year ago
Reply to  Juveria

Hello, It sounds like your cat has reblocked because stones were left behind? No post op Xray was taken? If this is the case I would ask to speak to the hospital manager and ask them to resolve the situation (ie remove the stones) at no cost to you. I don’t know why this was not discussed with you after the surgery was done? They should have known your cat was very likely to reblock very soon. I would also ask them to help you save your cat or ask them to give you your records so you can submit… Read more »