Hello. I got a puppy a few weeks ago and was told that he was six …


I got a puppy a few weeks ago and was told that he was six weeks old. I started him on stage two puppy formula and over the next three weeks, transitioned him to dry puppy food. For the last two weeks, he still eating a normal amount of food drinking a normal amount of water super energetic as a normal puppy would be, but he has persistent diarrhea. I assumed it was from changing his food’s.

I had set up an appointment with Vetco for this past Tuesday for his first visit/wellness checkup and his first set of shots. They called me Monday night letting me know they have to reschedule me for this upcoming Tuesday (4/30). I wanted to have them look at Artemis’ anal gland/sacs because I feel like they are not being released while he is having really bad diarrhea. Within the last four days, there has been drops of blood in his stool from him constantly pushing and nothing coming out. He will use the restroom and then he will stain himself to the point that his rectum or colon is popping out. I explained all this to the vet Monday when it was starting and I told them that I have been giving him homemade sweet potato cakes, and carrots to try to build up his fiber intake to help him fight the diarrhea. I also told them I changed him from Purina puppy chow to pedigree puppy chow, and I even tried giving him rice mixed with his puppy food, but he rejects it like the plague. They told me if there’s any blood to get him to urgent care, but I don’t know if I can afford the bill for urgent care and he hasn’t shown any signs of being in distress.

He’s still eating healthy, drinking and being extremely active as a nine week puppy would. I don’t know how to get the diarrhea to stop and I don’t know how to get him to stop pushing when there’s nothing to push out. When he does poop, it is soft, but not liquidy. This last batch of sweet potato cakes I made I have mixed them with the white rice and he can’t seem to get enough of them, but it isn’t making a big difference as far as helping his feces harden to the point where they will help him release his sacs.

How do I get him to stop trying to poop every few minutes there’s nothing there?

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Krista Magnifico
9 months ago


We our puppy needs to see a vet asap. You also need to have a fecal sample submitted for intestinal parasites. Start there. Please do not buy an otc dewormer. See a vet. And do a fecal.
I always recommend that a vet see a new pet within 3 days.