?Emergency? Dog had scrotal ablation and attempted removal of inguinal lymph node. Within 1 hr of surgery …

?Emergency? Dog had scrotal ablation and attempted removal of inguinal lymph node. Within 1 hr of surgery Vet called said there was a problem with bleeding and massive swelling, he had to go back in to tie off some vessels.

At pick up, the dog’s prepuce looks like an eggplant! He is still oozing blood from 2 tiny puncture sites. There is obviously swelling in the perineum and inguinal regions but the most dramatic is the prepuce.

Vet said one of the pudendal vessels needed ligature when he went back in. Also said he should be able to pee just fine. I only noticed a trickle of pee last night, not a full stream.

Should I take my dog elsewhere for evaluation? Is this hematoma/swelling so dramatic that he will have necrosis to the preputial skin or even the penis? any concern for the urethra ?

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. I think that anytime your gut tells you to get a second opinion that you should listen. I hope things turn out ok and I apologize for the delay in answering.