Archie, 6 mo old kitty has a neurological birth defect (likely) which makes him incontinent. We have …

Archie, 6 mo old kitty has a neurological birth defect (likely) which makes him incontinent. We have to express his bladder and colon. His bladder became blocked, so he spent the weekend in ER. He did not have crystals or a bacterial infection, but he had mucus in his urine. Likely because expressing doesn’t empty his bladder completely … guessing. He Came home and we could not express his bladder again after only one successful expression. Back to ER and they are at a loss. It doesn’t help that we can’t find a urologist and clinics keep turning us away. The neuro we found when he was brand new seems to be advising us to euthanize him because of everyone’s QoL. I MEAN REALLY!?!?! Any advise would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I have had a few cases like this. Cases where animals need constant help to urinate (or even defecate). I tell them you can only fill in for their basic functioning for so long. Maybe months or years but only for so long. At some point the cumulative effects of non function cause collapse. This is where you are. Yes. As much as it is hard to accept it is probably time. There are no other viable options. All are fraught with terrible consequences. This happened to my own dear beloved pup. I actually considered crazy ridiculous options like… Read more »