4 year old lab, who LOVES to eat, refused breakfast, had yellow vomit in his bedding and …

4 year old lab, who LOVES to eat, refused breakfast, had yellow vomit in his bedding and is acting a little subdued. His bowel sounds are so loud. I can’t think of anything he ate that he shouldn’t have. Do dogs sometimes just get a stomach bug? His bm was normal this morning

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4 years ago

Yellow vomit is bile, and is something we see in Dobermans when they have an empty stomach for too long. When was his last meal? What happens if you give something small, like a little plain yogurt?

4 years ago

Agree with Laura-
I would definitely watch him closely. If hole gets any worse, probably call the vet. Meantime, if he is getting an appetite, I would keep it bland. Boiled rice and chicken…. hopefully he is fine????????