4 days ago my cat began acting really lethargic. She has been sleeping all day and won…

4 days ago my cat began acting really lethargic. She has been sleeping all day and won’t move. I offered her canned food on day 2 and she scarfed it down as well and drank water. Over the last 48 house she has declined severely. She is eey weak and has lost and extreme amount if weight despite my efforts. I have been syringe feeding her, stimulating her, administered Pedialyte as well as tried to maintain her hydration. I began subcutaneous fluids yesterday and she is still of a deep decline. I’m afraid I will lose her. She was fine the day before this started. None of my other cats are sick not have any symptoms at alll. She is 6 months old. Her name is Honey.

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4 years ago

Good morning. So sorry about your cat. Have you been in to see your vet?

4 years ago

What did your vet say when you took her in? You DID take her in the day this started, right? If not it’s beyond emergent now…