4-5 month old puppy recently adopted. She started peeing quite a lot and within 12 hours there …

4-5 month old puppy recently adopted. She started peeing quite a lot and within 12 hours there was blood in it. It was Saturday and my vet was closed. I was able to get her into a vet I use to go to previously. They said a lot of white blood cells so could not even tell what bacteria. Would let it grow over weekend. The bill was 269.00 visit, antibiotic injection , urine sample, growth plate .. today they called saying lots of bacteria grew but need to send out for another 260.00$ .. is that normal, the going rate?? I said I could not afford so they said to keep on meds clindamycin which cost 62.00 and see what happens. Just wondering because that seems really high to send urine out.

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4 years ago

Good morning- are you planning on staying with this vet? I think if that is the case then you should discuss with them your budget and your concerns. (You had mentioned that your regular vet was closed.) You certainly can call your new vet and request pricing from them as well. I know that Jarrettsville vet has much of their pricing listed on their website upfront. My guess would be that some sort of infection has taken hold and antibiotics are necessary to clear it up. Perhaps they want a second analysis to make sure they are treating properly? I… Read more »