My dog Mila (Daschund) is pregnant and should be 59 days pregnant (possibly more but very unsure). …

My dog Mila (Daschund) is pregnant and should be 59 days pregnant (possibly more but very unsure). Her stomachs been hard since last night and she stopped eating yesterday afternoon but recently just ate again but only a little. She’s been a little strange today and yesterday but besides that she seems normal. She did lose her mucus plug Monday morning and a little more of it Tuesday. Could she be close to labor or possibly already starting first stage?

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3 years ago

Congrats on puppies☺️ I think that if I were you, I would call my vet and have them advise.

3 years ago

I would talk to the vet who’s been monitoring the dam throughout the pregnancy as well as your breed mentor.

If you don’t have either of those, call your regular vet. Today, this morning, right now.