I saw the video from Dr. Magnifico regarding polyp removal and cost. I was given from …

I saw the video from Dr. Magnifico regarding polyp removal and cost. I was given from a vet here in the Salt Lake City area the cost of $2,000. How do I find a vet who will do the procedure for a lot less? Also, how do I make sure my feline has a polyp. She has only had a visual inspection and did show discharge on the right side when she sneezed. She has the snoring sound, the high pitched sound, and sneezing.

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4 years ago

Good morning-
I would call around to local animal shelters and rescues to see if they know of a vet who is familiar with this issue. You could also talk to your vet and see if they have any other recommendations/advice or if they can refer you to a vet who is also familiar with nasal polyps.

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello. There are lots of vets who are not as expensive. You have to call and ask and keep calling and keep asking. If you’re do find someone please share your pets story in our storylines section so others can benefit. Don’t give up! Good luck